How to Clean out your closet like a Pro
- Take Everything out. We know, it makes a mess but the only way to do this properly is to start from scratch. Lay it on the bed, floor, wherever you have a big empty space.
- Try on. Get a good mirror and get to work – try on everything.
- Make 3 Piles – Yes, No, and Maybe. Anything you love goes in the yes. Anything that does not fit, is outdated or you haven't worn in a year goes in the No and anything that needs tailoring – put in a big bag and bring it to be fixed (whenever you can). Our expert tailors can help.
- Go through the No Pile. Make a bag to donate. Local shelters and Goodwill are usually happy to have clothing donations, but be sure to call before you drop off items. Anything that is from a designer and in good condition can be possibly sold on re-sale sites, like The Real Real. Anything that is sentimental or you may want to pass down to children put in a large plastic box or garment bag and store in an extra closet, basement or attic.
- Make a list of anything you need to buy to organize – new hangers, drawer separators etc. The Container Store is a good source for organizational tools.
- Now time to organize what’s left. Divide by categories and seasons. Refold and rehang everything.
- Contact your Style Advisor. Our Style Advisors can help you do a virtual closet clean or give great advice on what to keep or how to update past seasons items.